Microprocessors, Digital Signal Processing and FPGA Laboratory
In this laboratory following courses are held in weekly schedules.
For detailed information, you can go to the course web-site by clicking on the course name.
EEM 334 Digital Systems 2 (Using Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA Starter Kits):
- Introduction to Xilinx ISE SW and FPGAs
- Introduction to VHDL
- FPGA Hardware Implementation
- ALU Design
- Combinational Logic Circuits in Practice
- Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design
- FSM Circuits
- FSMD Circuits
- Hierarchical Design and EDK
EEM 336 Microprocessors 1 (Using Freescale HC11 Microcontroller Kit):
- Introduction to Microprocessors
- Machine Code, Addressing Modes, First Assembly Program
- Stack Operations and Arithmetic operations
- Branch Instructions and BCD operations
- Local Variables and Floating Point Operations
- Parallel I/O
- Parallel I/O with interrupts
- Timer and Interrupts
- Serial communications
- Microcontroller Programming with C
EEM 489 Microprocessors 2 (Using STM32F4 Discovery Board):
- Introduction and Tutorial
- Polling Lab Exercise
- Interrupt Lab Exercise
- GPIO Lab Exercise with LCD Display Driving
- ADC and Analog Watchdog
- DAC – Wave Generation
- Timer Interrupt
EEM 478 Digital Signal Processing Hardware (Using TMS320C6713 DSK):
- Introduction and Tutorial
- Waveform Generation Using Look-up Table
- Waveform Generation Using Digital Oscillators (IIR)
- Interfacing between C and Assembly
- I/O Synchronization with Interrupts
- Digital Filters 1 – Low-pass Filtering
- Digital Filters 2 – Band-pass Filtering
- Data Handling: Buffering
- Frequency Analysis: Fourier Transform